;USA-New Mexico NM ;State of New Mexico - Estado de Nuevo México ;capital: Santa Fe ;Time zone: Mountain: UTC-7/-6 ;For a syntax description see PTBSync Help! ;If you find an error please contact: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com LANGUAGE=UTF8 IMAGE=Holiday_US-New_Mexico.gif COMMENT=Updated February 11, 2014 ;yearly days - observances 06.1. =New Mexico Admission Day, proclaimed Flag Flying Day ;Note=1912 {d} 01.2.+1Tu =American Indian Day* ;Note=1st Tuesday February 01.2.+2Tu>2003 =#2003th Extraterrestrial Culture/Visitor Day ;Note=1st 2004, 2nd Tuesday February {m} 02.2. =Guadalupe-Hildago Treat Day* ;Note=1848 01.3.+2Fr =New Mexico Arbor Day* ;Note=2nd Friday March {m} 09.4. =Bataan Day* ;Onate Day ;Note=a day in the month of July 03.8. =Ernie Pyle Day* ;(remembrance) dates by year ;New Spain (1519–1821) territory contained part of present-day New Mexico (Santa Fe de Nuevo México) ;(French 1682–1762 & 1802–1804, Spanish 1762-1802) Louisiana territory contained northeastern of present-day New Mexico 09.4. =La Louisiane claimed for France #1682 years ago* ;Note=1682, René-Robert Cavelier Sieur de la Salle, administrative district of New France {d} 23.4. =Villa de Alburquerque founded #1706 years ago (>Albuquerque)* ;Note=1706, Francisco Cuervo y Valdés {d} 22.8. =Santa Fe, proclamation New Mexico >United States #1846 years ago* ;Note=1846, Brig. Gen. Stephen Watts Kearny {d} 02.2. =Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, Mexico gave up New Mexico #1848 years ago* ;Note=1848 {d} 09.9. =New Mexico Territory off. formed #1850 years ago* ;Note=1850, created from the Mexican Cession to the United States of 1848 {d} 30.12. =off. signing Gadsden Purchase Treaty #1853 years ago (southernmost strip New Mexico Territory)* ;Note=1853, approved June 29, 1854, southernmost strip of Arizona and New Mexico {d} 29.6. =Gadsden Purchase Treaty off. approved by Congress #1854 years ago (southernmost strip New Mexico Territory)* ;Note=1854, signed Dec. 30, 1853, southernmost strip of Arizona and New Mexico {d} 16.6. =Arizona-New Mexico 1st Enabling Act #1906 years ago* ;Note=1906, Arizona & New Mexico reunited >Arizona, 2nd June 20, 1910 {d} 20.6. =New Mexico 2nd Enabling Act #1910 years ago* ;Note=1910, authorizing formation of a State government and Admission thereafter, 1st June 16, 1906 {d} 21.8. =Joint Resolution admitting New Mexico to the Union #1911 years ago* ;Note=1911, 62nd Congress, eff. Jan. 6, 1912 {d} 06.1. =New Mexico off. admitted to the Union #1912 years ago (47th state) ;Note=1912, Proclamation by President William Howard Taft {d} ;The entries for New Mexico were added by: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com - http://users.telenet.be/wdew/ ;The abbreviations {d} {m} {e} {y} ... are explained on http://users.telenet.be/wdew/Basis%20PTB/BasisEN.htm ;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_of_the_United_States ;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Mexico ;State Names, Seals, Flags, and Symbols - ISBN 0-313-31534-5, page 174-175